Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Wait or Just Say No?

Quick Write: What do you think is the best advice parents can give their teenage children about the use of drugs, alcohol, and other risky drugs?

I honestly think, parents can just talk to there children basically warn them, don't scare them. Usually, when parents have talks with their children they tend to loose their trust that requires them coming to them for answers. If you scream at me or give me a negative vibe every time i come to you for answers, i will start to sneak doing things. so, my option is parents should learn how to talk to their children in order to find out things & to warn them before doing it.

"Should parents abandon the `just say no' slogan of the Reagan era?"

parents should not abandon the slogan, parents just have to understand that there's nothing you can do. once you bring a kid into the world, there's only certain things you can do to prevent anything from happening. kids go to school, and learn things from school and the kids there. kids watch tv' learn things from there. the best thing to do is let your child learn from you, so tell them everything they need to know.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Watch Your Head!

Quick Write:
  I think you , Ms. Becker see me as a hard worker now then before. determine to graduate & to get my credits for this class, liking the easy way of things. if not this im not really sure how you see me.

How does Ms. Blakemore define adolescence? 
as the period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal, physical changes of puberty and ends at the age at which an individual attains a stable, independent role in society.

How long does it last?
Puberty into the '20s and '30s.

What is the significance of the prefrontal cortex?
decision making, inhibiting inappropriate behavior, understanding people and being self-aware.

Which section is this on the diagram we viewed yesterday? (See post for 11/17/14)
Executive Processors

What is synaptic pruning and what is the significance of the process?
Keep the ones you need and lose the ones you don't need. The ones that you do keep come stronger because you keep working with it.

What is the social brain?
the network of brain regions that we use to understand other people and to interact with other people.

Explain the design and results of the experiment in which adolescents were compared to adults in seeing things from another person's perspective.
Soccer game, When Michael misses his goal everyone has the same reaction and we are being able to read other peoples expression.

Describe the difference between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex in teenagers and adults.
Adults - An adults limbic system and prefrontal cortex are more developed and used evenly.

Do you see your own adolescence as a problem or an opportunity?Explain.
yes, simply because the way my adolescence are this generation.

Make one suggestion you have for educators based on this Ted Talk.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Coding Evidence

  1. Society is in some ways just as responsible for school shootings committed by teenagers as the teenage shooters themselves.

i do believe society is responsible in some ways for school shootings committed by teenagers, simply because some teens are involved in gangs and might be in school with the opposite gang members, in order for protection there's only some ways schools can help you with certain situations which means bring weapons to protect yourself. now n day's its either you get killed or kill, pretty much who moves faster in situations like this. 

in this New York Times article about teenage decision-making. Weinberger's claim the brain of a 15-year-old is not mature particularly in an area called the prefrontal cortex, which is critical to good judgment and the suppression of impulse.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Publishing Day!

3 important facts or ideas you learned from your I-Search project
1. (ASD) has no cure
2. Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys 
3. Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism

2 important things you learned about yourself as a scholar
1. I learned that i can do good research 
2. I learned that if i listen to music, i can actually finish things faster

1 feeling, emotion or reaction you have
1.  I feel like one day, there should eventually have a cure for ASD, or at least know the reason for them.


Give Thanks!

Quick Write :

I give thanks to apple for making iPhone's, 😂  without the iPhone i would be still using blackberry with front camera, and a button keyboard.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress

Quick Write:
I think that some teenagers should have adult right's. mature teenagers, teenagers that earn that type of responsiblity. but then again, some adults don't deserve it either, i just think its best that everybody just earn it.

Enduring Understandings :

  • The human brain goes through distinct stages of development as it matures to adulthood. ( 5 )
  • The teenage brain is at a unique point in development. ( 5 )
  • Because of their brain development, teenagers sometimes struggle with decision-making. ( 2 )

Essential Questions:

What makes teenagers different from adults and babies?

Adults are more smarter, & know more than babies do. simply because adults been on the earth longer than babies. there are certain things a baby/toddler can prove wrong to adults, because the things adults may have learned when they were younger they probably forgot.

How is decision-making connected to the various parts of the brain?

The brain makes decision's by thinking of the bad or good, how will it  affect me if i do it or if i don't. 

How should society differentiate between teenagers and adults from a legal, social, and individual perspective?

 society shouldn't differentiate between teenagers and adults from a legal, social, and individual perspective because, teenagers are the next stage from being adult which we should be prepared. but then again, being an adult isn't exciting no more because we did everything as teenagers. 

How do we evaluate our own brain development at this point in our lives?

i evaluate my brain at this point, well developed and still learning i've grew up alot & make better decisions.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Under Construction

Quick Write: 

 How much do we really know about the brain?
i believe my question is a level 3, simple because my question doesn't concern a yes or no answer.

Click, Here!

Question for further research :

Can people really mind read & tell the future of others? or is that them just lying.

My last decision :

      my last decision of mines that wasn't influenced by others. was finishing school, i realized i want to do other things in my life besides being in school. & every time i try to move on i can't because every thing is required a high school diploma, which made me realize i need to get out of school. quick! no more.

Back to Basics

Summary : Experts believe that this tendency marks a necessary phase in teen development. The process helps prepare teenagers to confront the world on their own. Researchers scan teen brains while their owners are thinking, learning and making critical decisions. Teens also can play games that require them to make choices, such as whether to pull a trigger, smile at an attractive face or accept a tempting offer. Some choices earn them rewards, such as coins or food. Adolescents are particularly sensitive and responsive to influence by friends, desires and emotions, researchers say. It’s one of the hallmarks of this stage in life. While this would appear to push teenagers toward years of serious risk-taking, it is no mistake of evolution. Casey and other researchers believe the adolescent brain specifically evolved to respond to rewards so teens would leave behind the protection provided by their parents and start exploring their environment — a necessary step toward the independence they will need in adulthood.

Reflection : I'm a risk taker only into a certain extend. i know my limits of risk taking, for example i wouldn't jump off of something knowing i will hurt my self. the farthest i ever took my risk taking was.. maybe one more drink! or possibly, what if i came home a little late tonight. one time i took a risk was coming in late, i thought my mother wasn't going to freak out as much as she did. end up getting kicked out. one time i took a risk, & won was win getting on a roller coaster ride, im scared of heights but since i already spent my money on the ticket, i thought was the worst that can happen? I'll only be scared for the moment. hopefully get over my fear.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


i dont believe , we use any percent of my brain anymore. i believe we use only store a certain amount of information in each part of our brain.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Take the Survey!

Learning Outcomes




Writing Conventions




       Good decisions are made with our hearts, not our brains.

Some researchers refer to the heart as the "little brain." The heart communicates to the brain and the body. Your Heart is used mostly for processing emotions (joy, jealousy, anger, hate, love, lust, compassion, empathy). It helps you to discover what is most important to you in life, priorities, and values. It helps you to connect or disconnect with others based on similarities or difference in those values. Is primarily used for cognitive perception and pattern recognition. You use your head for to reason, analysis, and synthesis information that comes in. One way your head makes meaning of things is through language (verbally, written, body), telling stories and using metaphors. 


DOK3 :

as a student this week , i was very much engaged, with every classwork & assignment. one thing i learned about myself is that when it comes to me setting goal's i really want to accomplish i can 😚

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some Essential Questions

  • How much of our brain function are we born with and how much do we learn?
     The raw material of the brain is the nerve cell, called the neuron. When babies are born, they have almost all of the neurons they will ever have, more than 100 billion of them. Although research indicates some neurons are developed after birth and well into adulthood, the neurons babies have at birth are primarily what they have to work with as they develop into children, adolescents, and adults.

    Newborns' brains allow babies to do many things, including breathe, eat, sleep, see, hear, smell, make noise, feel sensations, and recognize the people close to them. But the majority of brain growth and development takes place after birth, especially in the higher brain regions involved in regulating emotions, language, and abstract thought.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

About Me

        Hi , my name is Tajmah i am a senior of a Bronx high school. i am 18 just turned in July, i live uptown Bronx NY, born and raised. I am very independent, helpful, & intelligent. I have a very bright future ahead of me, & willing to put in all the work to get there. 

        In this course i want to find out if its possible to use more than 10% of your brain.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Letter Frequency in the English Language

imagination to me is a picture, video, or thought played out in ya head. Imagination is important because it helps us create things in order to do certain things u need to picture it first , let it play out in your head. its also a extra confidence. you can have memory.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Introducing Jean-Dominique Bauby

My brothers , & Sister is honestly the only reason that makes life worth living for personally , everything i do is for them. or benefits them, i try to give them a good life.

3 observations ;
 the man seems to love his life
 the man still wants his life, he doesnt want to die.
 the other guy, seems to want to die. he feels bad.

two questions ;
  why does the man feel he wants to live , if theres nothing he can do anymore?
   can the man talk start in his head ? like , can he talk perfect in his mind ?

one emotion ;
  i feel bad for the man , living that life. he seemed like his life was really going good. its crazy how your life can change in such a major way.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Just Listen: Students Talk About Learning

     I think i was born with a growth mindset , because i believe that my most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. 

Argument Essay Challenge

I do not believe smart kids should have their own school , i believe kids should be treated equal not based on higher education level. Having schools for only smart kids , can cause alot of problems such as embrassement , dissapointments.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Your Mindset and Grades: All in Your Point of View

I think changing your mindset you can change your grades, because i if your mind is set on finishing something & becoming better at something. You can pass all your classes, also if your the type of person to want to become better at things you aren't good at, you can also pass.

  • which students believed that their intelligence was unchangeable , & which ones thought their intelligence can grow.
  • fixed kids can get build a growth mindset.
Experiment Design
  •  taught students how to study.
  • the group of kids that been taught that intelligence can grow , can higher math grades. 
  • Your brain can change , just like your personality. 

 I find the study conclusions credible , because i believe that you can fix a fixed mindset. I can envision myself getting better grades , if that's what i really wanna do. I have to have my mindset on becoming better in my classes & fixing my grade to graduate.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Reading "The Mindsets"

If i could change any attribute or characteristic about myself as a student, there's a lot of things i would change, for example

1. i need a dead line to complete things if i don't i don't really think i would complete the task or assignment.

2. i ask alot of questions

3. close minded

4. Ignorance

5. disrespectful

6. petty ( anger problems ) 

Mindset Quiz

You agreed with 2 of Fixed Mindset statements and 4 of Growth Mindset Statements.

You have mostly a Growth Mindset.

Self-Tracking Our Progress

On a scale 0-4 , my progress in this class is a 3 for my opinion. i've been coming to class doing & completing all my work. i only missed 3 days & im trying my best to complete all uncomplete assignments. I checked my grade on engrade & my grade is a 91 :) i was right , & im proud of myself. I will continue doing what im doing, to pass this class.

Monday, February 24, 2014

True Grit

A time i failed was in school, i failed all my classes & disappointed my parents. my reaction to the situation , wasn't how it should be i didnt care until i got to my senior year , & now i have to do a lot of extra work & classes to make up for my behavior & grades. its hard but i think i got it :) graduating in January not on time, but still its better than not graduating.

1. Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't change very much. ( DisAgree )
2. You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are. ( disagree )
3. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. ( agree )
4. You can always substantially change how intelligent you are. ( agree )

1. You are a certain kind of person, and there is not much that can be done to really change that. ( agree )
2. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially. ( agree )
3. You can do things differently, but the important parts of who you are can't really be changed. ( agree )
4. You can always change basic things about the kind of person you are. ( agree )

 i dont think i have grit , i dont believe i need it because im doing fine. i believe i have courage though, just not enough.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Quick Write

i am very tough , i believe i am in certain situations. i say this because , you have to know when to be tough & when not to.. . certain situations you just wont win being tough, like in a work place, or with the police. 

 after reading the article , i would change my answer because i thought physically tough, not mentally.

  1. Is being tough-minded good or bad? why? 
  2. If your not mentally tough , how can you get there?
  3. Are you mentally tough enough? how?