Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Under Construction

Quick Write: 

 How much do we really know about the brain?
i believe my question is a level 3, simple because my question doesn't concern a yes or no answer.

Click, Here!

Question for further research :

Can people really mind read & tell the future of others? or is that them just lying.

My last decision :

      my last decision of mines that wasn't influenced by others. was finishing school, i realized i want to do other things in my life besides being in school. & every time i try to move on i can't because every thing is required a high school diploma, which made me realize i need to get out of school. quick! no more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You should be really proud of yourself that you made that decision. Your reflection is short and sweet. Would love it if you used capitals and periods. ;-)
    Can you rephrase your research question so that it can't be answered with a simple yes or no. Score: 4-4-3-4

  3. Simply** Great reflection but I agree that you should use more capitals and periods and more details great job though :)
