Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some Essential Questions

  • How much of our brain function are we born with and how much do we learn?
     The raw material of the brain is the nerve cell, called the neuron. When babies are born, they have almost all of the neurons they will ever have, more than 100 billion of them. Although research indicates some neurons are developed after birth and well into adulthood, the neurons babies have at birth are primarily what they have to work with as they develop into children, adolescents, and adults.

    Newborns' brains allow babies to do many things, including breathe, eat, sleep, see, hear, smell, make noise, feel sensations, and recognize the people close to them. But the majority of brain growth and development takes place after birth, especially in the higher brain regions involved in regulating emotions, language, and abstract thought.

1 comment:

  1. Your research is so on point. Just excellent. How did you ever find this? Did this information help you understand your baby sister a little better? Remind me to show you how to post a link to your blog. Then you can show the other students how to do it.
