Monday, January 05, 2015

The Mallomar Test

Quick Write: In your opinion, is self-control related to success? Why or why not?

i believe self-control is related to success, because in certain situations you need to learn how to control yourself. for example in work environment's you need to learn or be able to control your emotions and how to react to certain situations.

Final Reflection: I did good on the "mallomar test" simple because, it was a snack that i liked, so i wanted another one & had to wait 15 minutes. i dont think my success in school is related to this, because school is different the work annoys me and is harder for me to complete it unless, i set goals to really finish school.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Wait or Just Say No?

Quick Write: What do you think is the best advice parents can give their teenage children about the use of drugs, alcohol, and other risky drugs?

I honestly think, parents can just talk to there children basically warn them, don't scare them. Usually, when parents have talks with their children they tend to loose their trust that requires them coming to them for answers. If you scream at me or give me a negative vibe every time i come to you for answers, i will start to sneak doing things. so, my option is parents should learn how to talk to their children in order to find out things & to warn them before doing it.

"Should parents abandon the `just say no' slogan of the Reagan era?"

parents should not abandon the slogan, parents just have to understand that there's nothing you can do. once you bring a kid into the world, there's only certain things you can do to prevent anything from happening. kids go to school, and learn things from school and the kids there. kids watch tv' learn things from there. the best thing to do is let your child learn from you, so tell them everything they need to know.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Watch Your Head!

Quick Write:
  I think you , Ms. Becker see me as a hard worker now then before. determine to graduate & to get my credits for this class, liking the easy way of things. if not this im not really sure how you see me.

How does Ms. Blakemore define adolescence? 
as the period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal, physical changes of puberty and ends at the age at which an individual attains a stable, independent role in society.

How long does it last?
Puberty into the '20s and '30s.

What is the significance of the prefrontal cortex?
decision making, inhibiting inappropriate behavior, understanding people and being self-aware.

Which section is this on the diagram we viewed yesterday? (See post for 11/17/14)
Executive Processors

What is synaptic pruning and what is the significance of the process?
Keep the ones you need and lose the ones you don't need. The ones that you do keep come stronger because you keep working with it.

What is the social brain?
the network of brain regions that we use to understand other people and to interact with other people.

Explain the design and results of the experiment in which adolescents were compared to adults in seeing things from another person's perspective.
Soccer game, When Michael misses his goal everyone has the same reaction and we are being able to read other peoples expression.

Describe the difference between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex in teenagers and adults.
Adults - An adults limbic system and prefrontal cortex are more developed and used evenly.

Do you see your own adolescence as a problem or an opportunity?Explain.
yes, simply because the way my adolescence are this generation.

Make one suggestion you have for educators based on this Ted Talk.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Coding Evidence

  1. Society is in some ways just as responsible for school shootings committed by teenagers as the teenage shooters themselves.

i do believe society is responsible in some ways for school shootings committed by teenagers, simply because some teens are involved in gangs and might be in school with the opposite gang members, in order for protection there's only some ways schools can help you with certain situations which means bring weapons to protect yourself. now n day's its either you get killed or kill, pretty much who moves faster in situations like this. 

in this New York Times article about teenage decision-making. Weinberger's claim the brain of a 15-year-old is not mature particularly in an area called the prefrontal cortex, which is critical to good judgment and the suppression of impulse.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Publishing Day!

3 important facts or ideas you learned from your I-Search project
1. (ASD) has no cure
2. Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys 
3. Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism

2 important things you learned about yourself as a scholar
1. I learned that i can do good research 
2. I learned that if i listen to music, i can actually finish things faster

1 feeling, emotion or reaction you have
1.  I feel like one day, there should eventually have a cure for ASD, or at least know the reason for them.

Give Thanks!

Quick Write :

I give thanks to apple for making iPhone's, 😂  without the iPhone i would be still using blackberry with front camera, and a button keyboard.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress

Quick Write:
I think that some teenagers should have adult right's. mature teenagers, teenagers that earn that type of responsiblity. but then again, some adults don't deserve it either, i just think its best that everybody just earn it.

Enduring Understandings :

  • The human brain goes through distinct stages of development as it matures to adulthood. ( 5 )
  • The teenage brain is at a unique point in development. ( 5 )
  • Because of their brain development, teenagers sometimes struggle with decision-making. ( 2 )

Essential Questions:

What makes teenagers different from adults and babies?

Adults are more smarter, & know more than babies do. simply because adults been on the earth longer than babies. there are certain things a baby/toddler can prove wrong to adults, because the things adults may have learned when they were younger they probably forgot.

How is decision-making connected to the various parts of the brain?

The brain makes decision's by thinking of the bad or good, how will it  affect me if i do it or if i don't. 

How should society differentiate between teenagers and adults from a legal, social, and individual perspective?

 society shouldn't differentiate between teenagers and adults from a legal, social, and individual perspective because, teenagers are the next stage from being adult which we should be prepared. but then again, being an adult isn't exciting no more because we did everything as teenagers. 

How do we evaluate our own brain development at this point in our lives?

i evaluate my brain at this point, well developed and still learning i've grew up alot & make better decisions.